Do you want to buy a mini Ferris wheel for your amusement park or playground? You can get some ideas from Dinis small Ferris wheel for sale in Canada. A customer Alfred from Canada bought our small sky wheels. He bought mini carnival Ferris wheel and kiddie Ferris wheel. He bought these for his playground. You can place an order with reference to his purchase record. But if your business location is not fixed, you can also buy mobile Ferris wheel amusement equipment.

mini ferris wheel

What Did Alfred Want to Know about Carnival Small Ferris Wheel for Sale in Our Factory?

The small carousel wheel from our factory is with beautiful design. It is suitable for carnival events as well as various festivals. After asking about the capacity difference between our carnival big wheel fairground ride and small sky wheel for carnival, Alfred bought our small carousel wheel. The size of his playground is not very large. And Alfred’s amusement Park has other rides. Therefore, he chose a small observation wheel. At carnivals or other events, small carousel wheel carnival rides will be more popular with tourists. So if you want to buy a small Ferris wheel for your park or carnival activities, you can buy Dinis carnival small wheel rides.

small Ferris wheel ride
children ferris wheel for sale

How to Choose Small Ferris Wheel Kiddie Ride ?

After knowing that Alfred wanted to buy a mini observation wheel for children, we recommended two brightly colored kiddie Ferris wheels to him. These two kiddie sky wheels have two different capacities. If it is a single side Ferris wheel, about 10 to 12 children can sit on it. If it is a double side Ferris wheel, its capacity is about 20 to 24 passengers. You can buy according to your needs. So, how to choose a children’s Ferris wheel that is cost-effective and popular?

  • First of all, cute cartoon design is essential. For children, they like cute images. These two small sky wheel rides have cartoon characters such as the sun and lollipops. So it is attractive to them. Therefore, we recommended these two small Ferris wheel kiddie amusement rides with cute cartoon images to Alfred. You can also choose these two cute ones.

  • Second, bright bright colors are also liked by children. Children love brightly colored toys or rides. Bright yellow, bright blue and bright red will attract children. Alfred agreed with us, so he decided to buy these two small Ferris wheels for kids.

  • Third, choose a Ferris wheel with a moderate height. The height of Small Ferris wheel for sale in Canada from our factory is about 7m. It covers an area of about 8*8m. It is not very tall. Therefore, Alfred chose our children’s Ferris wheel. It is an amusement ride for children, so its height should not be too high. Therefore, you should pay attention to the height of the kiddie Ferris wheel when purchasing.

Mini Mobile Ferris Wheel Ride for Business

double side ferris wheel for kids

If your business location is not fixed, you can choose to buy a portable ferris wheel for sale in Dinis. Alfred’s business location is fixed, so he chose a small carousel wheel fixed directly on the ground. This mobile small observation wheel ride is equipped with a trailer. So if you need to drive to multiple places for business, you can buy our mini mobile Ferris wheel. It will provide great convenience for your mobile business.

Our small Ferris wheel for sale in Canada. After the customer received the Ferris wheel rides, we received good comments from the customer. We have small observation wheel carnival ride, mini sky wheel for kiddie, mobile Ferris wheel for you to choose, you can buy according to your needs.

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