Dinis carnival ride manufacturer’s 12-seater small carousel ride starts at a base price of $8,000 to $10,000. The variation in cost depends on the degree of decoration and the design of the full size carousel for sale. Additionally, note that this price represents the standard offering without any additional features or customizations. Read on to find out more about 12-seater small carousel cost.

Factors Influencing the Final Cost to Buy a Small Carousel Ride with 12 Seats

As you know the initial quote for 12 people small carousel horse for sale is simply for the equipment itself. To get the merry go round ride up and running at your desired location, you’ll need to consider additional expenditures.

  • Discounts: Discounts affect the total investment. Our company often holds promotional campaigns. So the latest quote for a 12 seats children carousel ride will be definitely lower than the normal price. In addition, the more carousel order you make, the big discount we can offer.

  • Shipping fees: You will also need to consider the cost to transport the carousel from our factory to your location. The freight is determined by the route and the volume of the goods. Usually we deliver the goods to our cooperative freight company who will be in charge of the transportation. But it’s also feasible if you have your own fright forwarding.

  • Installation: 12-seat small merry go round ride is easy to install. But the installation still needs professionals to ensure the safety and optimal performance of the galloper ride. Hence, it may incur installation cost. We will send you comprehensive installation videos and online guidance. Furthermore, if needed, we can dispatch engineers to your location to help with the installation.

  • Taxes: Besides, depending on your region, sales tax or import duties may also affect the 12-seater small carousel cost.

  • Customization: Last but not least, any changes to the standard design or features can alter the final price. But if you simply want to change the color or add logo to your small carousel for sale, we can freely help you realize your idea.

Buy 12-seater Carousel Ride for Sale at Discount

In short, consider discounts, shipping, taxes, installation fees, and additional customizations. Directly contact us to get the accurate quote for your desired carnival carousel for sale.

12-seater Small Carousel Specifications

The carrousel has a 6-meter diameter and stands at 5.5 meters tall. If you’re planning to place it indoors but there are indoor height restrictions, we can modify the carousel by changing the spire ceiling to a flat top, allowing it to fit comfortably in your space. This customization does not need extra fees, so feel free to let us know your needs.

Design Options and Customization for Small Carousel Merry Go Round

Single/Double Cornice of Carousel

Various Designs of Carousel Merry Go Round for Your Choice
  • Dinis small carousels for sale come in single or double-tier cornices. The galloper horse ride with double-layer cornices is pricier due to more materials and labor.

  • In addition, the 12-seater carousel styles vary between ocean themes and traditional horses. Therefore, there are a variety of animal or sea creature mounts for your selection.

  • Moreover, if you need 10 or 14 seats carousels, we can reduces the mounts or swap horse seats for carriage. We are open to any other customization needs you may have. So feel free to contact us.

In conclusion, while the starting cost for a 12-seater small carousel for sale gives you a general idea of the investment required, the final price will depend on several additional factors such as customization and logistical expenses. Our goal is to provide you with a carousel that not only fits your budget but also brings joy to your patrons. To get more prices of Dinis carousel rides for sale, warmly welcome to contact us for a free quote.

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